Free Solo Speed - Great Peak North Face in 46min 30sec

This is not just another quick walk-through for me! No, it means much more to me. Because I was not at all fit to climb just before. The expedition to my first eight-thousander, Broad Peak, made me tired and my climbing level sank to a low point!

On the other hand, this project was very challenging to beat with the time of the old record of 1h 5min. Some time ago I still thought that I would probably not manage this. However, my many other speed ascents in recent years, such as on the Grandes Jorasses north face (Walkerpfeiler), gave me confidence and the necessary experience. That it has now worked out in this fast time, I would not have thought. I was surprised myself and of course I was very happy. A photographer was present at the walk-through on September 5, 2019. That was very important for me, because I wanted to prove with pictures, time-lapse and film that everything was right. But to show the story completely, it was necessary to film another day in the route. In the process, I no longer climbed the entire route without a rope and, of course, I never climbed as fast. But I think the effort was worth it.

Of course I am very satisfied with the whole project. To climb such an imposing and steep wall without a rope, without a belay and so quickly is indescribable. But it's not just about the technical stuff, on every trip to the Dolomites I've always met new, super nice people. Having so many sympathetic friends all over the world is worth at least as much as my records. That's why I would like to say a big thank you to everyone here. Each and everyone has contributed a part to the whole and I couldn't have done it without them. Nature, the mountains and being outdoors connects people and I would like to thank them again for every encounter.

See you soon


  • Seya Eggler

  • Franz Hinterbrandner


Expedition Baikal


My first eight-thousander - Broad Peak 8051m